USD $205 billion per year needed from agrifood sector to meet climate and nature targets







2024年3月26日,伦敦 -农业食品部门必须发挥关键作用,以保持1.5C within reach by urgently cutting greenhouse gas emissions and scaling up nature protection solutions through their value chains, 根据今天发布的一系列报道 粮食和土地利用联盟、水务署及 我们的意思是商业联盟

的 未来健康的粮食和农业 报告系列 argues for the adoption of ambitious action plans by agrifood companies and sector-wide investments of up to USD $205 billion per year between 2025 and 2030 to unlock up to 9 gigatons of CO2 equivalent of mitigation annually by 2030. 的 first report aims to help agrifood companies understand the implications of current and emerging voluntary standards and the expected trajectory of regulation for climate and nature. 第二个 report unpacks the financial costs and benefits of implementing mitigation solutions to tackle agriculture and land-use change emissions in company value chains.

的 case for urgent action is clear: agricultural production emissions must decrease ~30% by 2030 to align with the Paris Agreement’s goal to limit global warming to 1.到2050年5°C.

大多数食品和农业公司的气候战略, 来自投入物提供者和粮食生产者, 通过贸易商和跨国公司, 不够全面或不够雄心勃勃. 根据 世界标杆联盟, 在350家最具影响力的食品和农业公司中, 到目前为止,只有大约一半的公司披露了范围3的承诺.

鉴于这些挑战, 政策制定者越来越多地要求企业对气候和自然采取行动, 采用自愿性标准作为新的可持续性立法的基础.


食品和农业公司正面临着一个选择. 那些努力实现雄心勃勃的正规博彩十大网站排名战略的人, 在供应链上与农民密切合作, 会享受更低的成本吗, stronger returns and greater agility in the face of advancing sustainability regulation. 那些停滞不前的国家不仅无法兑现对气候和自然的承诺, 从长远来看,他们将面临更高的成本和更高的供应链风险.

Agricultural production and land-use change emissions in company value chains account for nearly half of total food systems emissions (an estimated 10 gigatons of carbon dioxide equivalent of a total 21 GtCO2e in 2030).

从 未来健康的粮食和农业 报告系列估计, to mitigate up to 90% of their annual agricultural and land-use change emissions by 2030, food and agriculture companies should expect sector-wide costs of approximately USD $205 billion per year (2025-2030).

而重要的, such investments are manageable for the sector as a whole and have associated co-benefits:

  • USD $205billion per year represents less than 2% of the sector’s projected USD $13 trillion average annual revenues for 2025-2030.
  • 在每年的2050亿美元中,有五分之一投资于新兴市场和增长型市场. 这些投资, 预计每年400亿美元(2025-2030年平均每年), 到2030年,每年可带来高达1900亿美元的潜在额外回报.
  • Some on-farm solutions provide savings and/or increased yields worth up to USD $30 billion per year.
  • Other associated co-benefits include increased supply-chain resilience and delivery on other sustainability commitments, 如自然目标;

的 burden of implementing mitigation solutions should be shared equitably across value chains. 在一般情况下, 价值链参与者越靠上游, the lower its margins tend to be — farmers in particular tend to have the lowest margins of any value chain participants. It follows that companies across the value chain must work together to determine transition economics and arrive at a transparent, 公平合理地分配成本和收益. 的y also stand to benefit from making more unified policy asks to government on what it can do to alleviate the costs for all and enable acceleration.   

第二个 未来的健康 粮食和农业 报告显示,缓解费用, 占收入的百分比, 根据参与者在价值链上的位置,变化非常显著. 报告分享了三个例子来说明这一点, 包括一名巴西养牛户的案例, for whom mitigating 30% of their Scope 1 emissions could cost as much as 17% of their revenues – an unrealistic expectation given farmers typically achieve profit margins of less than 20%.

Overcoming inequity requires food and agriculture companies to reassess how they partner with other actors in the value chain, 特别是农民, 以及他们如何与政策制定者合作,激励和加速行动.  一些公司已经在这方面走在了前面, with several working together through the likes of WBCSD to identify where they can problem solve collectively, 提高目标水平, 驱动协调, 加快关键解决方案的实施.

WBCSD执行副总裁Diane Holdorf说: 

Food system transformation is a central solution to climate change and agrifood companies have a critical role to play. 达到净零目标, businesses must take concerted and ambitious action to de-risk the transition for producers and ensure the costs and benefits of mitigation are shared equitably across the value chain.

通过农业 & 食物的途径, WBCSD enables members to accelerate 问责制 for climate and nature impacts in order take meaningful action in value chains and landscapes and influence and leverage the enabling environment. 例如:

  • WBCSD scope 3 land-based emissions workstream supports companies to accelerate emissions reductions and removals associated with land-use, 利用范围3行动议程中确定的农业食品机会.
  • WBCSD Nature Positive Roadmap provides ‘how to’ guidance to support corporate nature positive strategy development, 执行及披露.
  • WBCSD正在召集50个成员和27个伙伴组织, 总共影响1100多家企业-推动整体融合, 基于结果的再生农业指标.

为配合《正规博彩十大网站排名》报告,世界粮食和农业发展委员会出版了 农业领域第3类温室气体行动的商业案例 & 食品价值链 which provides perspectives and case studies of different value chain actors regarding the financial costs and benefits. 基于与WBCSD成员的研讨会, this summary report showcases the business case for individual companies in the sector to take action to decarbonize in line with the Paris Agreement and the importance of collaborative action to mobilize finance to implement scope 3 activities.
